Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fun times...

So it's now the middle of March and I have only written one entry. I am quite slack and always procrastinate so that's my excuse. Also, I have uni, which is my excuse for many life-related things that do not get attended to. I had a big weekend and explored some bars that I have been wanting to go to for quite a while, but never did due to me loving my regular spots! So firstly, the night began with me and two of my loverly friends. We went and ate at Chinatown and all that. Then we decided to try a place called Berlin Bar. I loved it! I especially loved walking up dark stairs before seeing a big picture of Charlie Chaplin. I also loved the part where you have to ring a doorbell to get into the bar. The bar was divided into East and West side, with bunk beds and booths. So unique and awesome. We had different cocktails each so we could try a few different ones. Amazing! We then went to Madame Brussels and sat outside on the rooftop-so nice! It was a great night for exploring. I must sleep now...

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Pilot- Part 1

The other day I thought to myself, do dreams actually mean anything? This thought came to me, only because I have been having THE weirdest dreams. Last week I dreamt that one of my friends' pools was as massive as a public pool and I was struggling to keep swimming, (apparently meaning I am experiencing internal conflict, according to Dream Dictionary.) The next thing I remember is running down Burwood Highway happily, through traffic, like I had no care in the world. If only I didn't have a care in the world! My other odd dream in the past week would have to be me dreaming that my cushion was a massive piece of mould growing from my bed. I actually did encounter an apple-shaped piece of mould whilst helping to clean a room at a friend's house the other week. After my dream, I woke up scared, (with cushion fur on my face) thinking my furry cushion was the massive mouldy apple! Apparently, dreaming about mould indicates something in your life has been ignored, or is no longer of any use. Well that apple I found certainly wasn't of any use to me, or anyone anymore. Dreams may or not mean anything, yet they sure are amusing to wake up to.